Monday, May 7, 2007

Life is short (1)

on the 20th December 2003
i felt sad and lost when i know that next second you will gonna die... you pass away the day after my 19th years old birthday at 7.35pm.
we have been get along for 3 years... and now you leaved me more than 4 years...

4 years ago, you came into my life... i used to play with you and bully you... it still fresh in my memories... so many happy moments within us... you used to follow me wherever i go... you are my lovely fish, Nicky.

i took you out from the aquarium ,then i used a tower to clean your body. Lucky you not die because of this. I like to put my hand on the water while you are swimming around. You will swim under my hand horizontally. when i walk in front of the aquarium, Nicky will allow me wherever i go (frontward and backward).

Kiss GoodBye (Nicky)
die because of food poisoning

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