Thursday, April 26, 2007


SEX is...
devil... dirty...
i just cant understand how come nowadays most of the youngsters make a big mistake in life...
abortion is everywhere... the baby is innocent... not responsible... killer
it make life suffer...
many peoples misunderstand the meaning/purpose of sex... it is for family planning... but not for fun...
many guys will say to the girl, "if you love me, then you should give me"... idiot... no such thing... i think the guy likes the girl's body more than the girl.

PLS : think before you take action... DON'T be a KILLER...

Saturday, April 21, 2007


通常男生有过性经验后, 再交新女友时, 一定会在最短时间内要求上床. 他们的理由都一样, 如果你爱我, 就让我和你发生性行为. 男生通常会有强烈的性冲动, 他会用千百个理由告诉你, 你不给他就是不爱他. 但是所有的男生在办完事后, 一定忘记他所有的承若, 甚至否认他之前的山盟海誓. 最后你们的见面就变成直接上床, 你只是他免费的泄欲 工具. 这样的男生千万不要给他, 因为他不值得你爱, 他要你的身体过于你的人, 直接告诉他, 真的爱我, 就等结婚后才给. 想清楚, 自己保护自己, 千万不要被他欺骗, 甚至更惨的被强暴.

Friday, April 20, 2007


The Strawberry (Fragaria) is a genus of plants in the family Rosaceae, and the fruit of these plants. There are more than 20 named species and many hybrids and cultivars. Strawberry area a valuable source of vitamin C.

The Strawberry is an accessory fruit; that is fleshy part is derived not from the ovaries but from the peg at the bottom of the hypanthium that held the ovaries.

Yeah baby, i love Strawberry...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

World news

A South Koreans student Cho, a foreign student at The Virginia Tech University, carried out the massacre of 32 people (included students, lecturers and professors) before committing suicide on Monday.

In my opinion...
Cho is such an idiot and the most stupid guy in this world...
He killed 32 innocent peoples in his university...
We, as a human being...
We need to always think positively...
Kill people or commit suicide cant solve any problem but it will cause other (parents and friends) suffer.
The person who dead will never understand how much of hurt and pain will his/her parents and friends will feel. He/she will just cause alots of trouble to the world.

* Pls for those person who is thinking to commit suicide... think twice before you take any action...
- think of your parents and friends
- think positively
- think of your happy moments...
- find the way to solve the problem
- seek for help from adviser

Life no take two. Think before you act

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



为了采一公斤的蜜,密蜂在一百万朵花的鲜花上面, 辛勤地飞行,酿

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


after i know you...
my life full with worries...
cant sleep well,
cant eat well,
cant concentrate in study...
i hope you can be mature... do not act like a kids,
think positive...
pls... remember what you promised me...

Sunday, April 15, 2007


i love Rain...
raining can make my heart cry...
the feeling stand and walk under the rain is great...
feel cold then after that sick...

Raining... 嘀嗒嘀嗒。。。


i am getting hate myself when i know that you feel hurt and want to cry...
sorry sorry and sorry appear in my mind.
i don't know what can i say,
i had that feeling before...
now, i prefer single life...
away from sadness, worries...
stay with freedom...
maybe my perception is wrong... i dunno
love make me feel hopeless even i thought love is amazing...
now, i am changed...
my opinion and point of view toward something is different...
happy go lucky....


人生是如此的不可思议。。。上天的秘密安排着每个人的一身一世。。。 人生的路有长有短,有快乐有悲伤。你我都不知道几时我们会到达终点,所以我们必需珍惜我们拥有的每一分,每一秒和珍惜身边的家人和朋友,以免爱得太迟。“珍惜现在,掌握未来”。




Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sweet Spy - Endless Love

Here comes a love and touch drama...
a lady police met with a guy from oversea who don't know how to speak her language...
they are in love, but the lady marry another guy even they still love each other...
her husband killed by someone... and
finally the guy die too...
leave the lady alone with lots of memorise...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Wang Lee Hom - Kiss Goodbye

What is means Kiss Goodbye?
a last kiss before broke up?
can anyone tell me?

Sunday, April 8, 2007

梁静茹 - 暖暖

This is nice long song...
everyone need to believe in themself.
we need to protect the person we love and care.
we hope to see the person we love always happy ^_^


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Wang Lee Hom - Don't Be Afraid MTV

never be afraid to fail
never be afraid to fall
if fall then we need to stand up again.
if fail then we need to try the best.
nothing need to be afraid of...
believe in yourself.

Thursday, April 5, 2007




Confuse... the "feeling"

me and X know each other in July 2005, same course, same class till now...
Last year Sept... we took KTM together to KLCC... we went KLCC to walk walk and makan...
in the KTM we stand together but i feel nothing... normal...

Genting trip,
on the way back to KTM Serdang from KTM central...

In the KTM, damn crowded...
me and X almost stick together... we are close to each other...
I feel something weird and unusual... i don't know what feeling is that... i don't how to describe... i don't whether he also has the same feeling... really confuse about the feeling...
1st time to has such feeling while be with him....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Genting Trip

Genting trip on 2-3/4/07
8 persons (5 guys + 3 girls)
enjoy and fun...
8 of us slept in the same room with two single combine bed... cool man~
The 1st night in Genting we went to the casino... i went back to room with two friends at 2am... other friends came back at 5am, 6am...
the next day morning, at 10am we entered the theme park. This is the 1st time i tried out so many games... space shot, bumper boat, grand prix fun kart, spinner, boating, flying coaster, flying jambo, cyclone and etc...
when i want to go for the 2nd round for the grand prix fun kart with a friend... there rain... too bad... we need to wait for the rain to stop but it didn't. So my friend used his jacket to shelter himself and i go out of the outdoor theme park. then we go to meet the others friend in KFC.
after we ate, we go to casino again...
around 5.15pm we took skyway leave Genting... we took bus at 6.30pm...
around 7.35pm we arrived KL central... then we took KTM...
in the KTM, damn crowded...
my friend and i almost stick together... we are close to each other...
finally, we arrived Bandar Sungai Long at 9.45pm...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Confuse... maybe Yes or No...

Almost 2 weeks...
my hurt in heart recovered within few days...
everything back to square one, normal, as usual...
we still keep in touch... but,
there is something make me confuse, the feeling toward you
care and concern, worry are still here...
the feeling of love... maybe yes or no...
every time chit-chat with you, i still care and concern about you...
i will always ask : why? what happened? who did it? how?
a lot of questions being asked by me...
i think all of the feeling toward you is to a friend who i care and concern...
the feeling of love disappear slowly...
but the feeling of friendship is still remaining.
i will choose friendship rather than love because friendship is lasting then love...
To love someone not really need to get him or her to be your couple or partner in life,
when you know that he or she is happy with his or her life, you will feel happy too.



Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV attacks the body's immune system*, making it weak and less able to fight off diseases. When a person is confirmed to have been infected by HIV, the person is said to be HIV-positive (HIV+). This does not necessarily mean that the person has AIDS.

*Our immune system consists of white blood cells, which fight and kill any germs and viruses that enter our body.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

AIDS is the name given to a group of illnesses which occur in HIV+ people as a result of a weakened immune system.

HIV can be transmitted :
1. through unsafe sexual practices including unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex (unsafe sex is without using latex condoms).
2. through sharing of needle or injecting equipment.
3. from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.

What is safer sex?
Safer sex is ant sex where semen, vaginal fluid or blood does not come into direct contact with the internal membrane of another person.
* Safer sex is sex (vaginal, anal and oral) with latex condoms and water-based lubricants such as K-Y jelly.
* Safer sex is touching, rubbing or mutual masturbation where neither partner has cut or rasher on their hands.

These methods are called "safer" since they minimize risks, but cannot eliminate them completely. Sexual activity will always maintain some risk if there is a chance one partner is infected with HIV. Safer sex can also prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which increase the risk of HIV transmission. STDs make it easier for HIV to infect cells.