Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where am i in the photo?

Finally 3 days 2 nights camping at Pusat Latihan Jugra, Banting had comes to the end...
fun, adventures, memorable...
i love to see stars in Banting during the late night...
i had a memorable experience which was to see stars at 2am-4am...
here is the photo of the camping...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


you are my Sunshine,
mine only Sunshine,
you make me HAPPY,
when the sky's are grey,
you never know Dear,
how much I LOVE YOU.
please don't take my sunshine away

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Adventure 2006

Adventure 2006 this blog is about my university life in UTAR in 2006
last year was a wonderful and meaningful year that i ever have.
i joint and take part in two societies and many activities, trips and etc. such as, Community Service Society(CS), visit to Orphanage, Askar Wataniah(AW), Hiking, Community Sociology Program, Camping...

In the early month in 2006, i joint CS society and become one of the members. i involved myself to be a helper in the 1000 peoples charity night for the orphanage at Tian Huo Gong on 13th March 2006. i get to know many new friends who are kind and friendly.

besides, i also went to the orphanage together with my CS friends who are same group with me. there, we play and teach the orphan and i also played piano for them. the orphans are cute enough and all of them have a meaningful name.

In May 2006, i take part in Askar Wataniah one month training at Rejimen 515 Askar Wataniah which located at Jalan Ampang which is on 8/5 /06-- 8/6/06. this training involved of 98 trainees came from different states.
i learned alot from the training i become independent and try out many new thing such as the skill to use M16, marching, and etc. besides, i get to know many good friends.
many peoples asked me why i took this training... and my answers are, i want to be different and strong than other girls. and, another answer is because i am angry with myself.

In the same month when i came back from AW training my university is having ball night, AW members are request to be security guard in the night. therefore, i took the offer and i take it as a change to attend the ball night.

In the month of Oct from 1/10/06--7/10/06, i joint Community Sociology Program, "Xia Xiang". among the 200+ interviewer only have 40 interviewer are successfully joint the program. the place that we went is at Langkap, Perak. we went there for one week. everyone of us have our own family that willing to adopt us for the week, they provide food and place to stay for us. Me and Peter are stay in the same family.we organized many activities for the students and the public such as camp fire, primary one day camp, many competition and etc. we did visited to old folk home too. here, i get to know my 3rd brother, Vincent.

In the same month of Oct in the next week that i came back from Langkap, on the 13/10/06 i went hiking at Gunung Angsi, Seremban. the hiking trip is 3 days 2 nights. all of the participants were sleep in tend and we played water in the water fall. besides, all the participants were menage to hike to the peak of the mountain. the following photo is my group mates.

On 16-17/12/06, i went for another camping where at Kota Damansara. which is a 2 days 1 night camping. there are 18 participants all are CS members. i learned many name of the flora and see new spesis.

In the same month of December from 27-30/12/06, 39 of the Community Sociology Program's members were back to Langkap again. this time we name the trip as "hui xiang". this time we also organized few activities such as secondary one day camp and etc. besides, my adopted family bring me and Peter to many place to visit such as "Lan Tian Dong", "San Pao Dong", Gua Tempurung, and Cameron Highland in the same day... really fun.

~end of 2006~

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Family come 1st in my life

well~ in this post i would like to thank my parents who give me a change to "see" this world.
they love me very much...
they will protect me... care of me... concern about me...
they guide me and give me advice.
i am the 2nd daughter at home.
besides, i have 3 siblings (3 of them are my sisters)
i always rank my family at 1st, career is 2nd and etc...
in my point of view nothing is vital than my family.
for example, even i have a hubby but maybe one day we will separate or divorce but this will not happen to me and my family.
and, when i face problems my family members will always be the 1st person who give me a hand.
i will always appreciate them. i love them... mucksssssssssssssssssssssssss... ...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

In Holiday mood...

Well~ after finish all the exam of cause is the time for holiday... wahkaka~
Every sem will has 3 weeks of holidays...
I am going camping on 23-25th May 2007...
So now is busy preparing for the stuff... everyday 10am -- 6pm... tired~
This is the 1st time i involve in the committee post..
I am a medical coordinator... haha~
Besides, i also in-charge in making name tag for 30 committee and 111 participants... total is 141...
So lucky that, my friends and i found a sponsor who willing to sponsor 100% for production.
I am also the group leader for group 2 name as "Bleach" during the camping.
And, this camping is special to me because i going to camp with my two brothers too...
They are Keon and Christopher... and the younger brother (Vincent) is not joining because he is still not a university students.

Got handsome and pretty participants...
i hope my holidays will be fun and memorable...

Monday, May 14, 2007

1st anniversary

NOW, I become an Army le… unexpected rite??? So do i.

I gained an unforgettable experience during I joined one month Askar Wataniah training, 8th May 2006 – 8th June 2006 at Rejimen 515 AW, Jalan Ampang…

I had many my first times...; my 1st time to leave my family for a month, my 1st time to be independence, my 1st time to sleep early and wake up early (sleep at 2a.m and wake up at 4a.m), my 1st time shooting by using M16, my 1st time to go along with “tiga tan”, my 1st time……

I met many new friends… we shared foods and drinks together. We even shared spoon for few person… we have punishments together… many things we done together…

I still remember the two days I’m in the palm oil field… those nights were so cold… my friends and I cooked for our own, we play masak masak. In addition, we ran up to the mountain… my group was the 1st group to reach to the peak…

Emm… I had knocked by M16 for twice… to my lips and forehead because of carelessness…

Actually I spent quite a long time to adapt myself to the life of army… this is because I never away from parents’ care... some more the Malay food, I not use to eat Malay food de, so a bad thing happened was I vomit after I ate dinner…but lucky that finally I use to it le…

By the way,

I would like to especially thank Giggs, who teach me kawat kaki, teach me how to handle M16, and always give me support… of coz I will also thanks all my friends that I knew during the one month training for take care of me…

Keep in touch

Sunday, May 13, 2007

爱情故事2之 Once In A Blue Moon

"Once in a blue moon", 这首动听的音乐已烙在我俩的心扉里。 我们相识在蓝月的夜晚下, 在海风和海浪的见正下我们的感情也就慢慢的深情厚谊起来。

还记得, 当我俩听见这首动听的音乐时,我们就会感到甜蜜就像我们在音乐的旋律中漫舞。 那种无法形容的喜悦真的令我们陶醉和思念。 你得离去,爱永远搁在远方。 孤独的我,孤单的身旁少了坚强, 只有简单的感伤。 听见秋天的离开, 我在某年某月醒过来。 我想, 我等一些永远得不到上帝回应的事。我不明白为何我和你的缘分那么的短暂?为何上帝让我们遇见却不能让我们永远得在一起, 为什么?

回想当年蓝月的夜晚就好像历史再重演。那天晚上下着倾盆大雨, 我们刚好在超级市场买了零食在打算要一起温习功课。 当我们越过一条繁忙的马路时,忽然有一辆车向我们的方向驶过来,你不顾一切地把我推开而他。。。 当我转回头时,我看见他已躺在血泊中。 我情急地跑前去把你拥在怀里。 我感觉到你全身边得很冷, 四肢变得无力。这时刻的我脑袋一片空白, 心里的感伤非笔墨所能形容。

在你昏迷的期间我一直都陪在你的身旁。我每天都在为你祈祷,只希望你能赶快醒过来。我希望我们能够再次的续缘。每一次的拜访我都会哼我们的主题曲 “Once in a blue moon” 给你听。不知不觉,你已经昏迷一个月。医生说你的脑部收到震荡,醒来了可能会患上失意症。那些和记忆一起收藏的过往, 孤单在思绪中变得漫长。

在我陪伴着你的一个夜晚里, 你忽然醒过来。我好开心你终于能够醒过来了,但是你的第一句话则是问我 “请问你是谁,为什么你会在这里? 我的心如刀割般刺痛着。忘,你居然把我都忘了。我对自己说,即使你把我们以前的快乐时光都给忘记了,但是那份甜蜜的回忆却会永远的守护着我的一生。 我会努力的把你的遗忘给找回来,不管任何事情的发生我都会永远得守护着你。

我会这么的相信我们那些还飞翔着,不可思议的梦总有一天会实现。 夜深人静时忠是让我想起 “如果我能再遇见你, 我会把你抱紧,从此不分离也不放弃, 我要告诉你。。。我爱你”。

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Past is disappointed...
Present is nothing...
Future is hopeless...
Is this call life?
i hope to have a wonderful life, meet an adorable guy...
will have successful career, blessing family.
i just a simply lady looking for a simple life.
May all my family members and friends will always good health and happy

花样少年少女 photos collection

Friday, May 11, 2007

飞轮海 - 夏雪


S.H.E - 怎么办

Tank - 專屬天使 "花样少年少女"

给Vincent 小弟的生日祝福

昨天10th是你的生日, 你又长大一岁咯!
你告诉我今年的生日是你四年来最开心的一年因为你收到自己很喜欢的礼物, 得到很多家人和朋友的祝福。
生日本来就是一个值得庆祝的日子, 最重要的是你能够感到开心和满足。

在此, 我想说的是不管礼物在多也比不上一个真心的祝福。

Thursday, May 10, 2007



在三年前的一个学校暑假, 小伊第一次遇见了小柔。 那一次的擦身儿过也擦出了火花。 巧合,三个月后,他们终于毕业了也再次在巴士站碰上了。 不可思议的好感, 触电都上门了。。。 OH MY GOD 怎么会这样呀!胆子包天的他居然向她要联络号码了, 还好小柔没拒绝他, 阿不然, 小伊一定会感到“愚”死了。第二天早上, 他心血来潮的拿起电话拨电给她要向她提出约会。 对小伊也有好感的小柔很快的就答应了他的约会。 第一次的约会算是满顺利的。 小伊也向小柔提出了追求,但是他却被小柔拒绝了因为小柔她暂时不想谈恋爱的, 现在只想当朋友。 这也是一个能够让大家多了解对方的好时机。

在交朋友的期间里, 小柔和小伊也会时常出来喝喝茶,聊聊天呢, 还不赖吧。发出内心的关心和好感好让他们彼此感到很窝心。他们每一天都有特定的 morning call, good night call, sms 和 msn。手机的铃声也成为了他们生活上的闹钟时时刻刻的载体提醒着对方,还有的是告诉了对方彼此的存在。

半年的时间很快的就过去了。有一天早上,小伊感到心不在焉,心很乱, 心理总是在担心着有一些事情将会发生。怎么啦,已经是九点钟了, 小柔没接电话,没回信息,她因该不会出事了吧! 惊张的喘不过气的小伊也只好丢下手头上的工作跑出去找小柔。 谁知道小柔就刚好站在小伊的办公室外。小柔的手中抱着一盒爱心便当正要送给小伊吃的。感动的小伊差一点就要“流马泪”了。 小伊将小柔抱在怀里说谢谢,我爱你。

小伊把小柔的爱心便当都通通吃完。还有十分钟, 小伊就要开会了他只好把小柔送下楼搭的士。隔壁的旧楼正在修理。小伊牵着小柔的手经过了那正在修理着的旧楼。 爱奔奔跳跳的她就像小兔班的可爱。 她撤开小伊的手奔跳前几步向小伊说 :"如果我能天天都能够看见你吃我所做的爱心便当那该多好"。就这样当她才把话说完, "砰"一声 。。。她就离开了小伊,离开了这世界。 小伊不敢相信小柔 就这样的被一个从高楼掉下来的大铁箱压死了。


Wednesday, May 9, 2007


小时候的她被人称呼为丑小鸭。 在她的成长的人生里充满了无限的回忆, 但是对她来说小时候的回忆也就像失意了一样, 不太记得, 缺少印象。 还好,小时候的照片让她确定了她在世界上的存在。她在父母亲的细心照顾下, 她, 终于长大了。 她是否也成为了传说中的 “丑小鸭变天鹅” 呢? 她对于自己的长相她没有批评。 也许, 她本身也认为自己不可能是 “丑小鸭变天鹅” 的。

在中学时期的她并不算得什么大牌人物, 只是朋友们都爱找她谈天,说说心事, 八卦一下。 她成功的把五年的中学生活挨过了。 最终, 她还是选择了继续走进校园的生活, 每天穿这同一款式的校衣 准时上课 --- 她选择了读两年的中六。

在中六时期的她遇上了黑白马王子。 可是。。。 她并没有接受任何一位王子, 因为她对自己没有信心和没有勇气去开始一段恋情。 以前的她是同学们心中的“女神”, 她拥有敢爱敢恨的精神, 无人可比。但是,她也曾经受过不少的伤。 也许是这个原因吧, 她对爱情失去了信心。

两年后, 不可思议, 她既然闯进了大学。从此,她的生活也添加了一点色彩。 可笑的是, 她的同班同学都说她幼稚。 也许是因为她还是100%的受到父母亲24 小时的保护之下成长。 对她来说,听了后当然会不开心,但是她却没把它放在心里。也因为这个原因, 有一位男生为了她 “幼稚”而放弃追求她。 她拥有一颗能够复原得很快的心。 只需要几天的时间就能把伤疗好。

是桃花来了吗? 她遇上了一位她还没见过的男生。 他们只是在网上交谈, 没有正式的见面。 甜言蜜语当然会有, 那男生所说的话可信吗?她们会不会有更近一步的发展呢? 这也是一个谜。 她会不会遇上她的生命中的王子呢?那就要等着瞧咯!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Run away, hide myself...

i wanna...
run away and hide myself...
i thought our meeting will be wonderful and miracle... but...
for me everythings will not be as good as what we think...
i just cant accept what you had done at the passed.
here is no reason or excuse for me to stay...

i want freedom.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Life is short (2)

Finally, (5/5/07)
you are gone...
without my notice.
you disappear quietly...
without say goodbye.
you came into my life 7 months ago,
i fall in love to you when i first time i saw you in shop...
i decided to bring you home and introduce some friends to you so that you will not feel boring while stay in my house.
you seem enjoy staying with your new friends...
day after days, your friends leave you one-by-one, slowly... your attitude change, i know you are sad, so do i... you easily to give up and always stay alone at the corner, motionless, quiet.
you fall in sick for many times, i trying hard to safe your life because i do not want to lost you. i pull you out from the Death God.
you choose to leave me.

Kiss GoodBye (Gold fish)
die because of water problem

Life is short (1)

on the 20th December 2003
i felt sad and lost when i know that next second you will gonna die... you pass away the day after my 19th years old birthday at 7.35pm.
we have been get along for 3 years... and now you leaved me more than 4 years...

4 years ago, you came into my life... i used to play with you and bully you... it still fresh in my memories... so many happy moments within us... you used to follow me wherever i go... you are my lovely fish, Nicky.

i took you out from the aquarium ,then i used a tower to clean your body. Lucky you not die because of this. I like to put my hand on the water while you are swimming around. You will swim under my hand horizontally. when i walk in front of the aquarium, Nicky will allow me wherever i go (frontward and backward).

Kiss GoodBye (Nicky)
die because of food poisoning