Thursday, April 19, 2007

World news

A South Koreans student Cho, a foreign student at The Virginia Tech University, carried out the massacre of 32 people (included students, lecturers and professors) before committing suicide on Monday.

In my opinion...
Cho is such an idiot and the most stupid guy in this world...
He killed 32 innocent peoples in his university...
We, as a human being...
We need to always think positively...
Kill people or commit suicide cant solve any problem but it will cause other (parents and friends) suffer.
The person who dead will never understand how much of hurt and pain will his/her parents and friends will feel. He/she will just cause alots of trouble to the world.

* Pls for those person who is thinking to commit suicide... think twice before you take any action...
- think of your parents and friends
- think positively
- think of your happy moments...
- find the way to solve the problem
- seek for help from adviser

Life no take two. Think before you act

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